Black Smoker - Digital illustration of a diver with a smoking snorkel looking at a coral on a tablet - Paste-Up for Schauhaus Innrain 21, Innsbruck
↑ Paste-Up for Schauhaus Innrain 21, Innsbruck


Black Smoker

The digital illustration touches on the themes of mechanisation and digitalisation, species extinction and the burning of fossil fuels.
The title Black Smoker refers to the hydrothermal vents of the same name at the bottom of the deep sea. These extreme places are home to highly specialised animal species that have adapted to the adverse conditions.

More recently, the drawing can also be seen in the context of the currently booming deep-sea mining. A new gold rush whose ecological consequences have hardly been researched and which, due to its novelty, is hardly subject to legal regulations.

The drawing was published in the 20er newspaper (September 2022 issue) in the form of a poster.

Techniques: pencil drawing, digital colourisation
Year: 2022

Black Smoker - Digital illustration of a diver with a smoking snorkel looking at a coral on a tablet - close up
Black Smoker - Digital illustration of a diver with a smoking snorkel looking at a coral on a tablet - exhibition view at the solo exhibition Below the Surface Is Another Surface, Galerie Platform 6020, Innsbruck, 2023
↑ Black Smoker at the solo exhibition "Below the Surface Is Another Surface", Galerie Platform 6020, Innsbruck, 2023
Black Smoker - Digital illustration of a diver with a smoking snorkel looking at a coral on a tablet - 20er newspaper September 2022 issue poster Black Smoker - Digital illustration of a diver with a smoking snorkel looking at a coral on a tablet - full view